
I know some things don't work as you've planned, but this is just plain ridiculous. Beyond all those accounts, I continued to ponder, why is it always have to be them/him? Why not the others in the same, or not a smiliar, consequences? why is it always have to be him who is in the most difficult and the most unmanageable situations? why? and who is it to judge whether it's fair or not? who determines those consequences? If i ever meet or face that person i want to ask him/her a thing or two. Why are you always unfair? I'm not asking for my sake's but for his! What did he do to deserve all this. and why is it always has to be the ones that i luv and cherish, why do they have to face the most undesirable reality...


jama said...

izzru i get who u meant these qns had been pondering in my mind too why does they always had to face hard those consequences and why does jj seem to be the only one that seem to be suffering rite now ;(

Imhere said...

jama// I do hope Jaejin manages well with everything that's in front of him, and I know he will! i juz strongly believe he will. it's just that his present consequences are brutal and it doesn't have to be this way, but who am i complaining to huh. =( altho life will be hard for jj for awhile, i kno he'll perfectly go thru all these consequences, wing it, conquer it, and hope his near/far future holds the most precious happiness within him. (as u can see, jj is my fave member and i juz want him to be happy every day =D)

jama said...

Don worry i knw he will too as the saying goes “What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise” and hope this apply to jj oppa :)

Imhere said...

jama// amen to that. i believe in exactly the same thing too. i know he'll overcome this situation well enough, cuz if he can't do it no one can! yah!!

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