Come to play
Aired June 22 2009
Hmm what can i say. seriously i really got nothing to say abt this weeks show and wanna know why, cuz they (producers themselves) edited all the jiwon and suwon part out. They really didnt say much other than jiwon referred suwon as kinda party/clubholic and that was about it. Oh they sing couple alright and it does give me one of those Jekki memento but other than that whole one hour show was all about that 'mr no and ms jang's couple story and i dun have any, even a teeny weeny, interest in those two. urgh. wasn't one last week's show enough already? why was the show all abt those two anyway? Besides the fact that other guests were totally ignored, it's really rare to see both jiwon and suwon on a same show, and couldn't they (the producers themselves AGain) at least give it a rest and make it more recognizable?
Although the show aired my jiwon and suwon (yes i said 'my') no more than least 60 seconds, there 'were' very cutesy parts and thank goodness. First i'd like say the part where Suwon wrote a note to jiwon abt things jiwon needs to change.

1) Dont call me only when you are drunk!
2) Be more diligent (lazy bum)
3) Quit playing games! you choding!
So, jiwon only calls suwon only when he's drunk huh. lol. and i wonder why is that. but jiwon already answered my question, on the show he said,
"People doesn't know where Suwon is when he's not actively working on the media. When he's not working as a singer, he's always at the 'club'. I call him when im drunk cuz he'll be drunk when i call him'
- and something like that. and Suwon says he likes the environment of 'get together' thing and drinking with his friends an all. and that is about it for Jiwon and Suwon's part of CTP this week. SIGH.
The below is the part where Jiwon and Suwon singing the 'couple'
I was really impressed how Jiwon managed to dance in the first place. I bet they didnt even rehearse the song before the show. well, they had been singing the 'couple' for quite multiple of times so i guess they juz go for it. Notice when jiwon started the dance, suwon looks at him kinda weird way but he follows jiwon with the dance anyway. LOL and OMG. now that is the leader of Jekki, jiwon! and as well, thank u guys for sing Jekki song, altho i heard u sing couple many times after the disbandment, i really appreciate every time i hear you singing. ANNND i heard they sing 'Pom Saeng Pom Sa' from the preview of this week's episode, but the producers juz EDITED WHOLE THING OUT. what the heck. put them back pple!!

and i hope there're many other chances for jiwon and suwon be on the same show. Twice again, thank u jiwon for bringing suwon as your best buddy and thank u suwon for coming as jiwon's best buddy. I wanna say another thanks to you both for giving me a time to reminiscence Jekki moments, and provide a chance to see you both on a show. i just can go on and on. but i'll just end with many many many thanks. S2
Ugh this week epi is such a disappointment i was hoping for more jw/sw moment :( hate the producer for editing most of jekki moment its so rare to watch these moment together in a variety show but im glad that they sing couple i love how jw absolutely remember every step of couple dance and oh did u hear izzru he sang the last part too!! Like u izzru im so thankful to jiwon for bringing in suwon as his best buddy and suwon for agreeing to come i love this kind of moment if only the other members were there wouldn it be so much great!i knw it juz a wishful thinking ;( ..thanks so much for translating the note that suwon wrote to jiwon izzru its so funny sw told his jekki leader not to be lazy LOL hes not scare that jw will tell him off hahaha..altho this week epi is juz a short moment of them both but im so happy to see this moment it make me remember back all those nolstagic jekki moment i truly hope there will another such moment again
as soon as my exams are over, I'm going to go to mbc and do a oneman(woman?lol) protest.
THEY SANG POM POM??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry, just
what is /wrong/ with MBC?
Jama/ it was very disappointing indeed. Im really wanna ask them why would they editted the whole thing out? If they were gonna juz show the parts abt those couple ONLY, then why would the producers even invited the other guests to the show anyway rite. but i'll say im happy to see them together altho it was lasted less than a minute or two. sigh. and Jiwon does sing the couple doesn't he. lol. he needs to sing more atleast that's what i want. i juz luv the way that those two dance and sing together, well what's not to luv rite haha. altho it was very short parts of jw/sw moments, im glad too that they agreed to come to the show as 'best buddys'... =)
Kate/ LOLs that what i've heard/saw from the other fans' comment that in the preview of this weeks epi jw/sw sang pom pom. but i didnt watch it (cuz i dunno where to find the preview. X-O)
I really wanted to watch more of jw and sw, but the 'producers' didnt want them more on the show huh. gosh. i really wanna see jw/sw's pom pom too!!! =(
im greedy i want to see them perform couple and oso Pom pom too!! hate the producer for not featuring the pom pom clip >.<
me too me too! I wanna see them performing pom pom... and not the edited couple perf too. why would they just cut that part off? they're very mean. very mean!! i tell ya!!
Hi!ü Sorry for barging in here like this hehe.. I just wanted to say thank you for the translations and that i love your blog! : ) I get to know more about Jiwon especially during his Sechskies days!ü (i didn't know Jiwon wanted to be a scientist when he was a kid haha!)
I've been to your Korean blog quite a few times also before, i hope you don't mind i posted some of the pictures you have there in Jiwon's thread at soompi..
Thanks again!ü
to the poster above...if you ever see this...are you the one that is posting so many awesome jiwon vids on Youtube? If you are, nice to meet you, and thanks for everything! LOL I live on your Youtube channel. just wanted to say after I clicked on your name :P
oh, and - are you the same ~g1~ on soompi 1n2d forums? I don't know if you'll recognize me, but I sometimes go on that forum as 'ejwfan' or something like that (I forgot, it's been such a long time). Anyways. nice to see you around B)
Hi g1 not to worry on barging in here these is a thread for all sechskies fan irregardless of whose fav member that ur rooting on and oh nice to see u here g1 :) hope to see u posted here more often =D
Hi kate!ü Yep, that's me, ~g1~! hehe. ejwfan.. I can't remember if i've seen you in the 1n2d thread at soompi but i know i've seen you at the 1n2d blog! :)
Hi jama!ü Nice to see you too at Jiwon's thread! :) I'm still discovering Sechskies and this blog is just great! I might very well become a fan! haha. Like you guys, i also want to see them together again.ü
..but i'm just curious, who was Jiwon closest to in Sechskies back in the day?
Awesome question G1 i shall leave this question to the ladyboss of this blog =D as i wanna know the answer too but im guessing its kang sunghoon maybe judging from how he cried badly when they prank him thinking that he killed jiwon?haha..
OMG! hi ~g1~! Very nice to meet you here =) I first visited jiwon's soompi like few days ago (didn't know it existed until now!!) never really got a moment to tail a comment or two, but you're welcome to put on any pictures from my korean blog, like captures, as long as it is credited. =)
lols.. and my answer for your question would be Sunghoon cuz they were friends from hawaii (as u may know) they had the same goal as singers and they came to korea for that same purpose, but it's really vague. During the 3-4th album years jiwon was really close to jaeduc too and also jiyong. Since jiwon was the oldest, he was like the big brother to all Jekki members it is whoever you think would be but i really dun want to actually choose who is the closest to who cuz they were all close to each other during the Jekki times. (i can tell who before and after the sechs kies times but it's quite difficult to determine 'during' years lols) well but it's my opinion and some pple might'll have another thoughts =)
anyway thank u jama and kate for posting comments when i wasnt here! lol i want this blog to be jekki fans meeting group place and im glad it's working that way. nice meeting u ~g1~ =)
I hope to see more of sechskies...hope to see all of them together especially Jiyong & Suhoon.
Hi mina Welcome to izzru jekki english fanblog hope to see more of your comments here :D
Hey Welcome =D I want exactly the same thing as you Mina. when will be the day!! =(
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