Here's more CTP pictures of Suwon only. sigh. I miss them together already. the thing is they, jiwon and suwon both, hadn't on a same show for at least a year and i was fine with that cuz they aren't in the same 'group' anymore, but after i saw them together in a show, i juz wanna see more of these two boys together, i wanna see more of Jekki side of them. darn. what a greedy person i am.
Therez going to be very strict 'korean' copyright laws which start effecting from July 23rd of this year. the laws are very VERY strict. u can't put any captured pictures, can't put up any animated 'gif'' pictures and u can't even put up the lyrics on the blog/cafe/forum/etc. sigh. i know its quite ridiculous but they are commencing them alright. (the law hasn't passed yet but it's very certain that they will) there might be some changes to the laws so it wont be that strict, but no one knows what will it become. if this 'law' is going to be effective i'll prolly discontinue the korean one but we'll see abt it. i just hope that things dont get heavily serious.
and R.I.P M.Jackson. I say im not the greatest fan of you but i do love your songs and music. The title king of pop doesn't satisfy me, cuz he's more than a king, he was beyond the 'king'. He's more of a legend and i can't find any words to describe him. Altho there has been many unfortunate deaths of well known pple this year and his is the most sorrowful. I'd say he was 'the person' who defines the 20th century. i'll exaggerate a bit but most people on earth heard his song or saw his dance performance at least once. sigh. Your music will live forever, may God bless you and rest in peace sir.
Ahh thanks izzru for those screen caps of suwon i will say he really do look buff rite now as compare to during his jekki day huh i wanna see more of jekki side frm jw/sw too its been such a long time since i saw those moment.
wth the korean copyright rule are getting stricter not even a music lyric are allow to post up then wats the point of marketing and publishing the music industry then i really hope that they will reconsider changing those laws
R.I.P MJ im not his big fans either but i do love his music and dance and i tink he is really a great legendary pop icon even my mum knw him may his music and legend lives forever. And oh talking abt MJ im suddenly reminded of Sechskies singing "your not alone" song by MJ.
N.P. =)
the korean copyright laws are going to be ruled soon and i dunno what to react after it is effective. sigh. we'll juz hope that some of the strict rules change before the law passes.
I thought of the same thing too Jama, abt the song you're not alone sang by Jekki. =) Jackson was the legend, the king and he'll be remembered forever through his music. he was such a genius and i respect him for that..
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