Happy new year everyone! it's still 2009 in Canada, but i guess it's 2010 in Korea and in Asia rite? hehe
Guess what.. but i bet everyone knows this.
our Suwonie is enlist for the MS and he's now currently serving the army from the 30th. The date he was about to enter was 28th but he had some problems with his entertainment (about the contract) so he delayed 2 days. His contract is still remaining but he gotta enter the MS cuz it's due (he can't delay anymore, i heard) so he paid the penalty (in $, moola) and went into MS. suck that entertainment! It didn't do a proper job to him or to Jaeduc and now they want money cuz Suwon is enlisted for the army? remember how Suwon released digital single for "사랑한다 외쳐요"? "Shout out that you're in love". he didn't get many stage performances at all. The song was good and awesome but the PR was sucked. cuz the entertainment was so small they didn't have much power to bring Suwon for the performance. They actually wanted the fans (yes the FANS) to help Suwonie for having schedules for his new single. Like in the radio or tv show. What kind of entertainment business does that?? huh? -_-
Anyway Suwon is totally over with them, thankfully, but Jaeduc is still having contract with them. but he'll be over with them when suwon is finishing his MS so they can be together..!! i bet this will be the scenario, or else................!!! cuz i want J-walk not solos..
and!! Jaeduc and Jaejin will be finishing their MS in 2010! 2 years passed by like this. Time does fly. and what did i do for that 2 years!!!! ='( haaaaa. oh and Jaejin is in military hospital for his back pain. he's now there for the medication prolly for chiropractic practices cuz it's his back which is giving him problems. i do hope Jaejin will get better soon. and Jaejuc keep FIGHTING!! for serving his dues =)
Anyway, again, everybody who's rooting for our Jekki, have a happy new year! be healthy wealthy and happy throughout the year 2010 =)
+) One thing for FYI!
Jiwon was recording for the show called "Chocolate" and Suwonie was the surprise guest for Jiwonie!! YAY!! they will be on the same stage on that show, but i don't know when they'll be airing it, BUT i'm now so excited and will post it in FULL! LOLs
and from the fans who went there gives information about Jiwon and Suwon recorded a song together and will be releasted in 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yah. so let's wait for 2010 with a great expectation! haha! =D
Guess what.. but i bet everyone knows this.
our Suwonie is enlist for the MS and he's now currently serving the army from the 30th. The date he was about to enter was 28th but he had some problems with his entertainment (about the contract) so he delayed 2 days. His contract is still remaining but he gotta enter the MS cuz it's due (he can't delay anymore, i heard) so he paid the penalty (in $, moola) and went into MS. suck that entertainment! It didn't do a proper job to him or to Jaeduc and now they want money cuz Suwon is enlisted for the army? remember how Suwon released digital single for "사랑한다 외쳐요"? "Shout out that you're in love". he didn't get many stage performances at all. The song was good and awesome but the PR was sucked. cuz the entertainment was so small they didn't have much power to bring Suwon for the performance. They actually wanted the fans (yes the FANS) to help Suwonie for having schedules for his new single. Like in the radio or tv show. What kind of entertainment business does that?? huh? -_-
Anyway Suwon is totally over with them, thankfully, but Jaeduc is still having contract with them. but he'll be over with them when suwon is finishing his MS so they can be together..!! i bet this will be the scenario, or else................!!! cuz i want J-walk not solos..
and!! Jaeduc and Jaejin will be finishing their MS in 2010! 2 years passed by like this. Time does fly. and what did i do for that 2 years!!!! ='( haaaaa. oh and Jaejin is in military hospital for his back pain. he's now there for the medication prolly for chiropractic practices cuz it's his back which is giving him problems. i do hope Jaejin will get better soon. and Jaejuc keep FIGHTING!! for serving his dues =)
Anyway, again, everybody who's rooting for our Jekki, have a happy new year! be healthy wealthy and happy throughout the year 2010 =)
+) One thing for FYI!
Jiwon was recording for the show called "Chocolate" and Suwonie was the surprise guest for Jiwonie!! YAY!! they will be on the same stage on that show, but i don't know when they'll be airing it, BUT i'm now so excited and will post it in FULL! LOLs
and from the fans who went there gives information about Jiwon and Suwon recorded a song together and will be releasted in 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yah. so let's wait for 2010 with a great expectation! haha! =D
+) another FYI
From the radio, Jiwon told that he wore the "orange neon" suit (which is from the cover of his 5th album) in the remembrance of Jekki. Quote from jiwon was "thinking of days of Jekki" haha! really? orange? Jekki? yes they do wore them during road fighter!! but why jiwon why? it didn't remind me of Jekki at all before you told this!! LOLs!!!! =) but i am very glad to hear Jekki from you Jiwon!

Izzru!!! WOW this post is just ....... I am soooo happy right now no words can describe my feeling!! Beyong happpiness just pure bliss in my mind and heart right now!! (I started hitting my sister and screaming at the same time ^^;;)
Bring on 2010 with sooooooooo much to look foward to now! Jiwon/Suwon on SBS Chocolate (I think he recorded the show on the 23rd?? the last one aired on the 26th but it didn't have him in it so maybe the next one on 1/2/2010? JISUWON JJANG!!! )! Jiwon/Suwon's song in 2010!, Jaejin and Jaeduc coming back in 2010!
ohhhh Suwon and Jaeduc's company needs to just DIE right now! I can't believe how they would want to take money from them!! I totally agree that "Shout out I love you" is one of my top fav from J-walk and Suwon sounds amazing in it! I only saw it being perform only 3 times T.T;;
Whew~ Let me just take a breather first!! hehehe I might write another response on my blog just because I am tooooo excited!!!
OMG OMG OMG I cant barely contain my happiness now, believe me when i read ur FYI i was really near to tears it was the best Information to kickoff for 2010 i had just finish watching jiwon and ukiss tribute perf of jekki pomsae pomsa and now i read ur FYI im just so excited ahh i really cant wait to watch the chocolate show jisuwon couple!!! erm izzru can i request in advance for translation on that show plssss :D Omg i cant wait to hear the song frm jisuwon too!! hmm i wonder what genre are they singing? any hint izzru??
Orange=jekki? LOL jiwonne i thought its more likely to be yellow?coz thats what i always thought off whenever i see yellow color=jekki hehe but yea i guess he must be thinking of those times in the pic posted by u =)Thank you so much izzru for the great news. Im so excited, happy and delirious everytime i hear jiwon mentioning jekki name coz i really think deep in his heart he still hold dearly to jekki. Now this one of the reason i quote i had a love/hate relationship with jiwon LOL one min he will aggravate me with his decision(kbs gayo appearance) another min he will just give me alot of his jekki love suprises :D
I think the ent company that j-walk sign was just super dumb what kind of co is that if they are not even capable of promoting its celeb might as well just hand over the company to jekki fans whom i believe can do much better PR than them -.- i hope jaeduc will end his contract with them too i wanna see J-Walk reunion in 2 yrs time!
Oh izzru may i ask when will jaejin be discharge frm the army?i knw jaeduc will be in june but im not sure on jaejin date and jaejin i really hope he would take good care of himself pls don strain his back again =(
Oh forgot to wish Happy 2010 to you too izzru! May your wishes for 2010 come true coz like you im hoping the same wishes too for 2010 :D
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