I moved things around a bit, if anyone noticed! haha
Below is one of my fave fave performance of Pom Saeng Pom Sa which was a new years concert in Busan, Korea. =)
AHH i miss them so much!! I loved Sunghoon with his "Baikinman" t-shirt! lols (Character from kid's Japanimation)

Below is one of my fave fave performance of Pom Saeng Pom Sa which was a new years concert in Busan, Korea. =)
AHH i miss them so much!! I loved Sunghoon with his "Baikinman" t-shirt! lols (Character from kid's Japanimation)

it should be a gif but it's not moving when the picture is posted in this blog and i dunno why!! -_-!!
From the vid, Sunghoon sings with different lyrics (i think he forgot the lyrics! haha) it happened some time to time. and it is said from the fans (as a joke maybe) Jiyong never forgets lyrics, Jiwon seldom forgets the lyrics so he sings/raps in English haha. and when Sunghoon forgets the lyrics he makes it up and doesn't care if he's wrong abt it or not cuz he's always right. very hoonylike isn't it? LOL and Jaejin Suwon and Jaeduc don't forget lyrics cuz they don't have much part (so meanie or too sad! T_T)
and, when Jekki forgot the lyrics they usually point their mic towards the crowd. LOL i dunno whether it's true or not, but it was a fun topic to talk about, back in the days. =)
hehe anyway here are some pics from several concert. enjoy =)
Izzru!! the new layout is just plain AWSOME!! you added little gadgets I don't even know which direction to look at first ! sooo many goodies!
the 98 concert in Busan was a great one I think the all went pretty crazy during that concert and there is not one single bad pic from the concert they are all crazy jumping around on stage messing around on stage ! I wish they had release this concert on tape....
Look at them all Jaejin Sunghoon Suwon Jiyong no Duckkie for some reason T.T I just want to see them all on stage again.
One of the reason I love Jekki so is because they are not that serious, they have fun when they are on stage and if they do forget the lyrics they just smile and point the mic to the fans cause they know we want to sing along with them too!!
Izzru the new little layout was great! love the LV gadgets with jekki exclusive video and i noticed too that ur hit list was 19!! thats pretty good i really hope ur blog will get more exposure so as to spread the jekki love :D
LOL at sunghoon honestly speaking when i first saw the pics i was so attracted by sh shirt it was really cute to see him in that imagine him wearing it now haha..Looking at all the pic i really can feel that all the members had a great, fun time back during jekki days whether it was onstage or offstage just look at how genuine their smile is back then it was something that i almost couldn see or feel it anymore after their disband :( to me i think jw did a really good job as jekki leader coz eventho jw was kinda sorta strict back then but he knws when to prioritize both fun and work which is why i can truely see that all the members really respect and regards jw as their good leader..ermm my two cents opinion only :D
Thanks izzru for the vid actually i wld have thought that u wld put the one where jekki PR their 3rd album and the jekki members are playing at the backgrd it was my fav vid now nvr fail to put a smile on my face watching it ^^
Thank u for the compliment Lisa =) hehe it took me some time to get to know this... blog thing to have 2 bars of menu stuff. i tried to have this layout from the beginning but i couldn't figure out the system. im happy that i'm over it! I love it when Jekki are so full of energy when they are on the stage, it's so obvious that they are enjoying it which amuses me much =) miss those golden days.!!
I'll put that vid on next time Jama =) i somehow forgot about that one! haha dont u just love when they are having fun + joking around when one of the member is getting interviewed? hehe
and i'm definitely with you that jiwon was the perfect leader for Jekki. these days people seem to know jiwon as just choding, and are wondering how would jiwon lead a group. (and i would repeat again, why are they wondering about those stupid things lol) jiwon was the perfect leader for Jekki and if it wasn't for jiwon, it would be a totally different group. with jiwon fooling around with the dongsaengs kid themselves when they are together, but act charismatic and stiff around the public. SIGH. i loved that jiwon!! it was like, us fans know the real self of jiwon LOL
anyway, oh, may i ask where can i see that hit list? i never known it until u mention it jama =) and im happy that it's on the 19th and it's all thanks to u guys =D
I simply love any vid of whenever jekki was fooling around it somehow brought a smile on my face when i see their dorkyness :D
Eventho im quite a newbie fan of jekki but i can feel that jiwon pride himself in being the leader of jekki and so does the members too i guess i must have been overanalysing on jekki vid LOL xp
Oh izzru abt the hit list its on the right hand side near to this bear pic of the Lollypop story feed subscription =) Btw how do we knw who's online at the chatbox gadget?
i hadn't used the chatbox, but if we are here at the same time, then i guess we could start chatting =D hehe we'll see~
I thought jiwon was having fun with being the leader of the group, i also thought that, from the vids of Jekki, but the things that he's saying NOW, how he couldn't do the any music he wanted. and all, i guess he didn't have much fun while back.
and jiwon had his silliness back then LOL. he's usually forgetful right? and his hearing wasnt good either LOL so jiyong was always teasing him that he's old. and that he is 'sa oh jung' (which means person who can't hear clearly) whenever jiyong calls jiwon, jiwon didn't reply back, so jiyong needed to yell to get a replay. (and jiwon said he couldn't hear jiyong's calling. lol) and jiwon doesn't have much hair.. yup and jiyong teased that too. and jiwon teased jiyong that his neck is too long LOL i miss those golden days. =)
I think Jiwon still managed to sneak in some of his music during Jekki days ! like Fake G (Btw I LOVVVEEEE FAke G!! during 99 concert I used to scream everytime that song comes on they just look sooo good ^^ and Sunghoon really is fast on the dance ^^ always ahead of every one ^_______________^) during the third album! and the 4th album too!! everyone in Jekki express them self in the music!
I do remember how Jekki members like to make fun of each other! Those were the days indeed!
LOL izzru i love it alot whenever the members kept teasing each other and those recount from are they from the variety show "Funny funny"?
Like u whenever i watched jekki vid and how they all were having fun i thought too that jw seem to be enjoying himself back then but whenever i heard him talking more and enjoying himself on 1d2n now in alot of variety show and with that inclusion of how he cant have the freedom of music back then from his interview that give me the thoughts that he might not actually enjoyed himself back then :(
"and, when Jekki forgot the lyrics they usually point their mic towards the crowd."
-and they still do it up until now hahaha. I really love your blog. I may be late but thank you for this.
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