Live Performance of
Hak Won Byul Gok
Aired 1997
Yes, it is their debut song
and Yes, it might be impossible to sing this song in live,
but they did it! actually, i'd like to resay it. "they totally did it!"
Also you know what? I do prefer this live version over the recorded one.
because it sounds more vivacious and it is live! LOL
How could they dance and sing this song in live?
I want to ask them personally, or I wanted to lika 10 years ago. =(
I could wish only wish for High Definition videos of Sechs Kies, that's all.
Hak Won Byul Gok is a song about the flaws of Korean education and the hardships of Korean school life. "Hak Won" means school as a learning place (because "school" in Korean is "Hak Gyo". Hak Won can be interpret as learning/tutoring place) and "Byul Gok" is basically an old musical form of Korean cultural poetic songs. For example, "something" byul gok can be interpret as the song/poetic song about "something".
The title is combinated/made up words. By combinating those two meaning together, Hak Won Byul Gok means that it's "a song about a school life". =)

actually i been wondering does this song ever create a controversial since its abt the korean education?
sorry for double posting but after watching this perf i seriously think they did an awesome stage perf and i agree wif u izzru this song is definitely one tough song to sing it live yet these boys can manage to pull it off very well! Thank you for sharing this rare vid!
jama// Firstly, I don't know anything quite controversial creation from this song, and if it does i'll be laughing about it!! cuz it doesn't criticize too harshly anyway. (or i might've forgotten about it. but there weren't any big of a issue from this song and im positive =D)
This song is one of the hardtosinginlive songs in their music, but they tried live and it worked perfectly. I really can't believe they sing in live for this song and with those crazy dance moves they just rock on!! =)
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